The BEST golden milk recipe: A must-try hot drink for kidney health! Recipe - KNI - Kidney Nutrition Institute (2024)

As the weather turns colder, we’re looking forward to nice hot drinks to help keep us warm. Wondering what’s the best hot drink to choose to support kidney health? Check out our recipe for kidney-friendly golden milk!

Not only is it delicious and warming, but it’s also easy to make and is packed with the beneficial properties of turmeric. Read on to learn how to make this drink and why we think turmeric is an ingredient to help enhance kidney health!

The BEST golden milk recipe: A must-try hot drink for kidney health! Recipe - KNI - Kidney Nutrition Institute (1)

The best hot beverages for kidney health

Our clients often ask, “what are the most kidney-friendly drinks?”. While there isn’t a quick answer to this question, we’re always fans of good old-fashioned water! To learn more about other beverages, check out our post “Is your milk kidney friendly?”

But what about when you want a hot beverage to warm you up? Let’s talk about some of the most popular hot drinks and how they can impact kidney health.


When people are diagnosed with kidney disease, a common question we get often is if they need to avoid coffee. As a coffee lover myself, I love being able to answer this question with an “of course not!”

But there are some things to consider if you’re a coffee lover and have CKD. This NKF article written by none other than the founder of the KidneyRD, Jessianna Saville, MS, RDN, LD CSR, CLT, tells you everything you need to know about coffee and CKD!

As always, consult with your physician about how much coffee is right for you!


We’re planning to write an entire post dedicated to the topic of tea soon! But the long and short of it is that most teas are safe for people with CKD. For example, black and green tea contains minimal amounts of potassium and almost no sodium and phosphorus. Likewise, most herbal teas are caffeine-free and have little to no phosphorus, sodium, and potassium.

Stay tuned for a more in-depth post coming soon about everything you need to know about drinking tea with kidney disease!

Hot Chocolate

Is hot chocolate a good choice for people with kidney disease? Our answer is maybe, but there’s a catch!

Chocolate is a source of potassium and phosphorus, clocking in at about 200 mg of potassium and 90 mg of phosphorus per ounce of dark chocolate (at least 70%). But don’t go avoiding it just yet! Chocolate is also a rich source of flavonols that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Consuming chocolate in moderation can be health-promoting, but we recommend choosing at least 70% dark chocolate to reap the most benefit. If phosphorus or potassium is a concern for you, check with your renal dietitian about how chocolate can fit into your diet.

Here’s the catch!

Most prepared hot chocolate mixes contain a lot of sugar, sodium, and lots of phosphorus additives! In addition, most prepared hot chocolate is processed with alkali. This process reduces the number of flavonols which in turn reduces those beneficial antioxidants.

The healthiest way to enjoy hot chocolate when you have kidney disease is to make it from scratch! This recipe for 5-minute vegan hot cocoa from the minimalist baker couldn’t be any easier! Check out how it stacks up against one of the major hot chocolate mixes found at the grocery store!

The BEST golden milk recipe: A must-try hot drink for kidney health! Recipe - KNI - Kidney Nutrition Institute (2)

Golden Milk

Golden milk is an on-trend beverage right now, and for a good reason- it’s a beverage with significant benefits! And it’s an excellent option for individuals with CKD.

Golden milk gets its name from the beautiful yellow gold color thanks to the star ingredient Turmeric. Golden milk has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine and is traditionally called Haldi ka doodh in India.

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric is a spice used widely in South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine but is gaining popularity in the west thanks to its potent medicinal properties.

Turmeric contains phytochemicals called curcuminoids. One of these curcuminoids, curcumin, is gaining strong evidence in research for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer effects.

Curcumin is currently center stage in several clinical trials for various diseases and conditions, including chronic kidney disease. That’s because inflammation and oxidative stress are clinical features of CKD.

But there’s good news! In a study conducted on rats with CKD, curcumin showed reduced markers of inflammation and oxidative stress.

Because of these promising medicinal properties, curcumin supplements are now widely available and becoming increasingly popular. However, you can also reap the benefits of curcumin by using turmeric in cooking!

Unfortunately, curcumin has poor bioavailability– which means it is is not easily absorbed by the body. However, there are several well-known ways to increase the bioavailability of curcumin, including black pepper and fat, which are both included in our golden milk recipe!

So, enjoy the delicious flavor of this warming beverage while reaping the significant benefits for your kidney health!

Want to learn more about delicious nourishing foods that support kidney health?

We are here to help! To find out how we use the power of nutrition to preserve kidney function, join ourfree monthly class. Prefer a one-to-one setting? Considerscheduling a consultationwith one of our expert renal dietitians.

The BEST golden milk recipe: A must-try hot drink for kidney health! Recipe - KNI - Kidney Nutrition Institute (3)

Golden Milk- a hot beverage for kidney health!

This warming beverage satisfies our craving for something warm and sweet making it a great substitute for hot chocolate! It's also full of powerful polyphenols thanks to turmeric, so this beverage provides major benefits for kidney health!

Recipe developed and tested by Jessianna Saville, MS, RDN, CSR, LD, CLT.

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Course: Beverage, Snack

Cuisine: Ethnic, Indian

Keyword: High Calorie, Low Phosphorus, Low Potassium, Low Protein, Low Sodium, Plant-Based

Diet Type: CKD, Dialysis, VLPD

Servings: 1 serving

Calories: 291kcal

Author: The KidneyRD Team


  • 1 cup unsweetened rice milk
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • Optional: A pinch of nutmeg and cloves for more flavor


  • Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan and place on the stove over low heat. Allow to simmer very gently for a couple of minutes to let the flavor infuse.

  • Use a milk frother or blend the milk in a blender until the coconut oil is fully incorporated, then pour into a mug and enjoy it warm or into a glass filled with ice for a cold beverage.


Not a fan of rice milk? Use your favorite milk or plant-based milk alternative but remember to check for phosphorus additives!


Calories: 291kcal | Carbohydrates: 37g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 96mg | Potassium: 147mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 24g | Vitamin A: 502IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 313mg | Iron: 1mg

Tried this recipe?Mention @KNI_Care or tag #KNIrecipes!

KidneyRD Verdict:

This golden milk is my new favorite hot drink to make during the cold weather months! It’s so delicious and soothing; I have been enjoying this as a way to unwind before bed. The combination of sweet and spicey is incredibly satisfying, and I love knowing that I am doing something good for my body!

I have difficulty finding unenriched rice milk, so I used my favorite plant-based milk – an almond and coconut blend. I can’t wait to try this golden milk over ice in the summer for a more refreshing spin.

The BEST golden milk recipe: A must-try hot drink for kidney health! Recipe - KNI - Kidney Nutrition Institute (4)

ALL information you read is purely for informational and educational purposes. Information is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The BEST golden milk recipe: A must-try hot drink for kidney health! Recipe - KNI - Kidney Nutrition Institute (2024)


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