Stats | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)

Statistics inElden Ringrefer to various properties that govern your character's strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they are affected by interactions in and out of combat. There are 8 main Stats in Elden Ring, as well as several dozen secondary stats whichall contribute to your character's growth and effectiveness in various situations. Stats are affected by a number of things and can be modified by your Level, Equipment,and any active buffs and effects.

Within the Status Menu, you can check your level, attributes, base stats, and more. The information shown here also reflects changes to your attack, defense, and resistances bestowed by armaments and armor that you have equipped.

  • SeeLevelingfor details on how to level,a breakdown of runes necessary per level, and more.
  • SeeRunesfor details on acquiringrunes and rune acquisition boosting equipment.
  • SeeRebirthfor details on how to reallocate (respec) assigned attribute points.

Howdo you increase Stats in Elden Ring?

The primary method of increasing your stats is by Leveling Up. Near the beginning of the game and shortly after meeting Melinafor the first time, you will unlock the ability to Level Up by spending Runesacquired by defeating enemies.

Elden Ring features 8 Main Stats (alsoreferred to as Attributes). These are your Vigor, Mind, Endurance, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith and Arcane. Each one of these main Stats governs your secondary stats such as HP, FP, Stamina and Equipment Load. Players can spend Runes at a Site of Grace to increase their main stats, effectively increasing their character Level, as well as improving their secondary stats.

Stats are also affected by your current Equipment and any active buffs obtained through Magic or Items. Combining these aspects is key to character progression and creating effective builds in Elden Ring.

Can yourespec your Stats in Elden Ring?

After completing Raya Lucaria Academy, you will be able to reset point allocations and redistribute all of your earned Stat points however you wish in exchange for a Larval Tear, a rare item obtained through various means. You would most likely be over level 50 by the point you get to this, so your early build is quite important as you cannot change it: see our Elden Ring Builds page for ideas on how to make a good character.

This is commonly known as 'Respeccing' and is a system that caters to players' needs for customization and trying out other builds without having to restart the game over.

For more information please visit our Rebirth Page.

Elden Ring Stats


A cumulative figure that represents overall attribute strength.
You can level up using runes.

Runes Held

Total runes in possession. Upon dying, you will drop any runes in your possession at the site of your death.

Runes Needed

Number of runes required to raise a level.
When you Level Up, you can choose an attribute to increase.

Main Character Attributes

This section lists all of your character's Main Stats, also referred to as Attributes. These Stats govern all other secondary Stats and can be increased by spending acquired Runeson them using the Level Up menuat any Site of Grace,once the feature is unlocked.

At certain points when leveling an Attributeto higher values, you will start getting diminishing returns. i.e. the benefit you gainfrom leveling that Stat is less significant than before. Thevalues at which these diminishing returnsbegin arereferred to assoft-caps or breakpoints.You can find the soft-cap of each Attribute listed below. Note that some stats actually grant accelerating returns at lower levels: for example, Vigor's HP gain per level increases from levels 1-40, but decreases after level 40.

The hard-cap for all Stats is 99: you are unable to level a Stat past that level, and it is not possible to exceed 99 through equipment or buffs. (An exception is that your effective Strength can be increased past 99 by two-handing.)


Attribute governing HP.
Also affects fire resistance andImmunitystat.

Scaling accelerates until 40.
Soft-capped at40 / 60.

HP gain increases from +4 to +48
(avg: +29.5)
HP gain decreases from +26 to +13
(avg: +22.5)
HP gain decreasesfrom +6 to +3
(avg: +5.1)


Attribute governing FP.
Also affects the Focus stat.

Soft-capped at 50 / 60.

FP gains arebetween +3 and +4 (LV9: +13)
(avg: +3.21)
FP gain alternates between +5 and +6
(avg: +5.25)
FP gainsare between +7 and +6
(avg: +6.67)
FP gainsare between +6 and +4
(avg: +5.00)
FP gain alternates between +2 and +3
(avg: +2.56)


Attribute governing Stamina.
Also affects Robustness.
Determines how heavy your equipment can be,a.k.a.Equip Load.

Soft-capped for stamina at 15 / 30 / 50.

Stamina gainsarebetween +1 and +2
(avg: +1.79)
Stamina gainsare between +1 and +2
(avg: +1.67)
Stamina gainsare between +1 and +2
(avg: +1.25)
Stamina gains are between +0 and +1
(avg: +0.31)

Soft-capped for max equip load at 25 / 60.

Max Equip Load gains alternate between +1.5 and +1.6
(avg: +1.59)
Max Equip Load gainsarebetween +1.0 and +1.5
(avg: +1.37)
Max Equip Load gainsare between +1.0 and +1.1
(avg: +1.03)


Attribute required to wield heavy armaments.

Influences player physical/strike/slash/piercedefense and provides Attack Power scaling for weapons that utilize the stat.

Breakpoints for AP are: 16, 18, 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 16, 18, and 20:

16 for weapons with a quality affinity.
18 for weapons with poison, blood, and the physical portion of elemental affinities, and those with no affinity.
20 for weapons with heavy, occult, or elemental affinities, and innate elemental scaling.
Primary breakpoints are 50, 60, and 80:

50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily fire affinity); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
60 for the physical AP on all affinities; 56-60 willgive lower returns than 60-80.
80 for all affinities, but it’s usually only worth getting this much for physical affinities, and even then it can be a stretch.
Casting Breakpoints are 30 and 45 (Clawmark Seal and Frenzied Flame Seal both use strength).
Each of these values can be divided by 1.5 (rounded up) if you primarily 2h your weapon.

Keep in mind that the 2hAP bonus does not apply to ashes of war or critical attacks.


Attribute required to wield advanced armaments.
Also boosts attack power of dexterity-scaling armaments, reduces casting time of Spells, softens fall damage, and makes it harder to be knocked off your horse.

Breakpoints for AP are: 16, 18, 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 16, 18, and 20:
16 for weapons with a quality affinity.
18 for weapons with poison, blood, the physical portion of elemental affinities, and no affinity.
20 for weapons with keen, occult, or elemental affinities, and innate elemental scaling.

Primary breakpoints are 50, 60, and 80:
50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily lightning affinity); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
60 for the physical AP on all affinities; 56-60 willgive lower returns than 60-80.
80 for all affinities, but it’s usually only worth getting this much for physical affinities and even then it can be a stretch.
Casting Breakpoints are 30 and 45 (Frenzied Flame Seal uses dexterity).


Attribute required to perform glintstone sorceries. Also boosts the power of intelligence-scaling Sorceries and improves Magic Resistance.

Influences player magic defense and provides AP scaling for weapons that utilize the stat.

Breakpoints for AP are: 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 20:
20 for weapons with elemental affinities and innate elemental scaling.

Primary breakpoints are 50, and 80:
50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily magic and cold affinities); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
80 for all affinities (not worth for elemental).
Casting breakpoints are 30, 45, 60, and 80 depending on catalyst.


Attribute required to perform sacred Incantations. Also boosts the power of faith-scaling Incantations.

Breakpoints for AP are: 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 20:
20 for weapons with elemental affinities and innate elemental scaling.

Primary breakpoints are 50, and 80:
50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily sacred and flame art affinities); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
80 for all affinities (not worth for elemental).
Casting breakpoints are 30, 45, 60, and 80 depending on catalyst.


Influences player holy defense and death resistance, provides AP scaling for weapons that utilize the stat, increases item discovery (linearly), and provides scaling for poison, bleed, sleep, and madness buildup.

Breakpoints for AP are 18, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 18 and 20:
18 for weapons with poison and blood affinities.
20 for weapons with occult affinity.

Primary breakpoints are 60 and 80:
60 for all affinities; 56-60 willgive lower returns than 60-80.
80 for all affinities, but it’s usually only worth getting this much for physical affinities, and even then it can be a stretch.
Casting breakpoints are 30 and 45 (Albinauric Staff and Dragon Communion Seal both use arcane).

Status scaling breakpoints are 40, 45, and 60:
40 for Serpent Bow poison scaling.
45 for everything else; gains drop a decent bitbeyond that.
60 for everything else as well; not worth for purely status purposes most of the time.

Since item discovery scaling is linear, there is no decrease in marginal returns. Every Arcane level up to 99 yields 1 point increase in item discovery.

Below is a quick reference table for all Main Stat Soft Cap values when leveling:

Stat Soft Cap Change ingainsatsoft-cap
Vigor 40/60 up to +48 / +26to +13 / +6to +3 HP
Mind 50/60 up to +7 / +6 to +4 / +3 to +2 FP
Endurance (Stamina) 15/30/50 +1.79 / +1.67 / +1.25 / +0.31
Endurance (Equip Load) 25/60 +1.6 / +1.0 to +1.5 / +1.0 to +1.1
Strength 18/50/60/80 Depends on weapon
Dexterity 18/50/60/80 Depends on weapon
Intelligence (Attack Rating) 20/50/80 Depends on weapon
Intelligence (Sorcery Scaling) 60/80 Depends on sorcery
Faith (Attack Rating) 20/50/80 Depends on weapon
Faith (Incantation Scaling) 60/80 Depends onincantation
Arcane (Attack Rating) 20/60/80 Depends on weapon
Arcane (Status Scaling) 40/45/60 Depends on weapon
Strength/Dexterity/Arcane (Incantation Scaling) 30/45 Depends on incantation

Offensive Stats

Offensive Stats provide useful information on the current offensive stats of the player character.

Physical Attack Damage

Displays the default standard damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Magic Attack Damage

Displaysthe default magical damage of the equipment or spell, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Fire Attack Damage

Displaysthe default fire damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Lightning Attack Damage

Displaysthe defaultlightning damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Holy Attack Damage

Displays the defaultholy damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Critical Attack Damage

Displaysthe default criticaldamage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Sorcery Scaling

The degree to which sorceries increase in power.

Incant Scaling

The degree to which incantations increase in power.

General Stats

General Stats provide useful information on the current state of the player character.


Hit Points. If reduced to 0, you die.
Replenish it by drinking from the Flask of Crimson Tears, casting certain Incantations, or resting at a Site of Grace.


Focus Points. This is the energy consumed to use Sorceries, Incantations,and Skills.
Replenish it by drinking from the Flask of Cerulean Tearsor resting at Site of Grace.


Required for various actions.
Depletes when certain actions are taken, but recovers automatically.

Equip Load

Total weight of equipped armaments andArmor. Movement slows as load increases. The rightmost number is the maximum weight that can be equipped; exceed it and movement slows dramatically.


The degree to which you can resist collapsing under enemy attacks.


Governs likelihood of finding items on the corpses of defeated foes.

Memory Slots

The number of slots available for memorizingSorceriesandIncantations.

Attribute ScalingInformation


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Strength.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Dexterity.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Intelligence.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Faith.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Arcane.


DefenseStats forElden Ringprovide useful information on the current defenses of the player character.


Your resistance toPoisonsand Scarlet Rot. The higher the number, the less susceptible you are to poison and rot. Governed by your attributes, as well as armor and any additional effects.


Your resistance to Hemorrhage and Frostbite. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility. Governed by your attributes, as well as protective gear andany additional effects.


Your resistance to Sleep and bouts of Madness. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility. Governed by your attributes, as well as protective gear andany additional effects.


Your resistance to Instant Death. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility. Governed by your attributes, as well as defensive gear and any additional effects.

Physical Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Standard Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear andany additional effects.

VS Strike Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Striking Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

VS Slash Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Slashing Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

VS Pierce Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Piercing Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Magic Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Magical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Fire Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Fire Elemental Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Lightning Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Lightning Elemental Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Holy Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Holy Elemental Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Equipment Stats

Weapons and Armor Stats provide useful information about the benefits provided by the equipment.


Weight of the equipment.

VS Strike Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Striking Physical Damageis negated.

VS Slash Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Slashing Physical Damageis negated.

VS Pierce Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Piercing Physical Damageis negated.

Magic Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Magic Damage is negated.

Fire Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Fire Damage is negated.

Lightning Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Lightning Damage is negated.

Holy Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Holy Damage is negated.

Stats | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.