On the Run - Chapter 1 - Cirrusdelirious (2024)

Chapter Text

Peaco*ck awoke to the sound of her alarm, a cartoony circular white clock that stood on her nightstand, ringing incessantly from a red bell sat upon its top. She had been nicely curled up in her hammock, with a heap of at least five blankets piled on top of her. It was overbearingly warm, and the blankets put a kind of pressure on her as if she was being squeezed under a rock. Though oddly, the pressure and warmth were what put her to sleep at night, so she hardly cared that she felt sore and sweaty. She gripped her pillow and let out a little groan. Couldn’t she sleep for a few hours longer? Inevitably, when the noise of the alarm didn’t magically fade away, she sat up in her hammock and reached over to try and silence the stupid clock, reaching out one finger to press the top so the damn thing would shut off and shut up. Though, in her dreary state, she neglected to remember the physics of a hammock, and was caught off balanced. She was sent towards the ground as the hammock swayed downwards. Peaco*ck hit her face on Lab 8’s concrete floor with a wince, landing right on her nose. She scrambled upwards onto her feet, pulled a metal bat with spikes on it from over her shoulder using the Avery system, and mashed the stupid clock into a pulp. The noise stopped, bits of metal and glass spread all over the nightstand and floor. Peaco*ck threw the bat and it dissipated into thin air. She dusted her hands off and began to walk towards her bathroom, but the damn pieces began to ring again! She let out a growl of frustration, turned right around and kicked the pieces until the noise stopped.

Peaco*ck then went into her bathroom to take a quick shower. She washed her hair with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, and then got out. She made sure to brush her metal teeth thoroughly so that they were nice and shiny. Then, she went back out and changed into something more presentable than the shirt and shorts she had worn to bed. Her usual cartoony outfit with her dress and big red bow. She looked for her hat and found it next to her hammock. She walked over and picked it up, seeing Avery inside, curled up and snoring away. Peaco*ck smiled and shook her head. She'd let him sleep a little longer. She gently picked him up and lifted him from out of the hat, placing him on her head. She covered him with the hat and moved slowly so as not to disturb him as she began to make her way out of her room.

She headed for the cafeteria, humming the opening to "Annie of the Stars" as she walked. There was a new episode tonight, a pretty major one, too! The season finale! She just knew today would be great. She strolled through the halls, which were dark and mostly metallic and cement. This place could seem dreary at times, but the children's drawings all over the walls made it a little brighter. Finally, she made it to a bright, open space filled with long, foldable tables with the benches attached to the sides. There was a variety of foods placed against the back counter, where the cafeteria met the kitchen. It was mostly breakfast foods right now, with it being only 8:00AM in the morning. It smelled of muffins and sugary syrup, and faintly of coffee. There were several other people here, scientists and ASGs, chattering quietly amongst themselves before they got to work today. Some waffles and coffee before she started training couldn't hurt! Besides, Peaco*ck deserved such a luxury after being robbed of it for so many years out in no man's land.

She paid the other ASGs no mind and went towards the back of the cafeteria, at the coffee machine that stood on a table. There were an assortments of creamers and sugars to the side to make it taste a hell of a lot better. Peaco*ck got herself a big cup'o Joe and filled the piping hot cup with sugar and french vanilla creamer, until it had no hint of coffee taste.
A large shadow grew over her as she stirred the stuff in, the liquid turning a pale brown color. She put a lid on it and paused. Peaco*ck looked over her shoulder to see what had blocked out the lights only to see a familiar face. It was Big B! She turned around to face him, craning her neck upwards to look as though she met his gaze with her eye holes.
He looked down at her cup, "Gonna have some coffee with your sugar? You know the doc said you shouldn't be eating and drinking junk, right?" He asked.
Peaco*ck huffed and put her hands on her sides, "What's it to ya? Mind your own!" She replied, beginning to walk off. He looked back at her briefly as she walked away, and she stuck her tongue out at him before quickly leaving his immediate line of sight. She could hear him sigh as she left. He'd always be disappointed in her in some regard, Peaco*ck knew this much. Disappointed in her eating habits, in her hygiene, in her choice of hobbies.. He could be nice, but only when he wanted to be. The rest of the time was scolding and arguing. Always on her for something. She wished he'd just leave her alone!

She decided to go sit down next to Leduc and Hive. Leduc was chatting anxiously with Hive, eating an orange. Hive was watching quietly, just eating whatever breakfast she'd decided to get. Peaco*ck sat down with her coffee next to Leduc, looking a little peeved.
He looked down at her, and then at his half eaten orange. He seemed to have an idea spark in his head.
Peaco*ck side eyed him, sipped her horribly sweet coffee, and looked at Big Band on the other side of the room, talking to Ileum and Stanley. He met her gaze and she held it, narrowing the eyes on her arms and face. She held this glare for a few more moments before feeling a tap on her shoulder.
Peaco*ck looked over to see Leduc with a goofy smile. He'd placed the orange half in his mouth. Peaco*ck smiled and couldn't stifle a laugh.
Hive rolled her eyes beside him.
Peaco*ck's laughter subsided and she smiled at him, "You're funny." She said.
Leduc took the orange slice out and nodded, "I try. What's got you so down, Birdy?" He asked. Usually, Peaco*ck would have protested against being talked down to like that, but.. She couldn't get mad at his dumb face.
She sighed, "Big Band's been coming down on me lately, it's gettin' on my nerves." She grumbled, crossing her noodly arms.
Leduc frowned a little, "..I see," He said, "He was the same way for me when I was younger. Always trying to correct something. He was mostly right, but.. I can see where you're frustrated." He told Peaco*ck.
She rolled her arm eyes and sighed, "He just doesn't get who I am. Does he havta open every conversation with some nitpicky observation about me?!" She growled. Leduc put a hand on her shoulder, and she flinched at the sudden touch.
Leduc smiled a little, "I understand, it's alright.. When you're older, perhaps you'll be able to see eye to eye." He gulped, "Not literally.." he stated and looked away.
Peaco*ck giggled a little, "Maybe. I hope so. I just hope it's soon.. He'll realize that I'm not some stupid kid," She said.
Leduc nodded again and simply continued to eat his orange. Man, Peaco*ck needed more people like him. Kind, understanding.. Always sympathizing and all that with her. Peaco*ck had never learned of how he came to be here, how he ended up with metal arms and legs and lightning in his veins. Everyone here knew her story, but she'd never bothered to learn his. She was sure he didn't want her to pry into his possible PTSD, though, so when the thought crossed her head, she didn't voice it.
She finished her coffee and stood up, "I'm gonna go watch some early morning toons, see ya later." She smirked at Leduc. Leduc smiled back and nodded once more. She patted him on the back, and went to place her empty mug in the dirty dish bin. She walked out of the cafeteria, and went down the dark hallways once more.

She was around halfway there when she heard metallic stomping behind her. She grit her teeth and turned around to see exactly who she thought would be standing there, blocking the hall. The brass coffin himself matched right up to her.
She scowled, "What do you want now?!" She asked.
He narrowed his eyes at her, "Peaco*ck, you don't need to be rude," He grumbled, "You need to train," He said.
Peaco*ck's frown deepened, "Why?! Can't I have one momenta peace around here?!" She said.
He sighed in that way he always did, "Peaco*ck, you need to get the hang of your abilities. You barely know how to use them as is. It's a danger to both you and everyone else around you. You need to be prepared for the next Skullgirl." He stated bluntly.
Peaco*ck felt anger bubbling in her chest, "Just some morning cartoons, is that too much to ask?!" She replied, "I'm not a little child, brass for brains, I know what I'm doing!" She said.
He stepped forward slightly, "You're a child, Peaco*ck. There's nothing mature about you at all, so don't think you even act like an adult." He said.
Peaco*ck only got angrier, "Quit babying me!" She replied hastily.
"No. Come on, you need to train." He said, metaphorically and physically putting his foot down.
"No! And you ain't gonna make me!" She said, turning around and storming off to her room. She slammed the door behind her and *locked* it.

She went to sit down and watch TV on her own personal television, but as she picked up the remote, heard metal steps approaching her door. There was an ominous knock, and then silence.. Peaco*ck felt that anger bubbling once more. The knock came again, and Big Band spoke.
He cleared his throat, "Open the door." He said.
Peaco*ck pouted, "No." She replied.
"Don't make me kick this door down, Patricia I am *warning* you." He threatened.
*Patricia.* Is that how he saw her?! As some estranged, broken little kid?! This made her get up off of her seat and storm right on over to the door. She unlocked it and swung it open to stare at Big Band, who'd been waiting with an annoyed expression.
"Go away. I'm not doing your stupid training thing." She crossed her arms.
Big band scowled, “Patricia, this isn’t something you can just shrug off. This is your responsibility. You have to be prepared for the Skullgirl. The doc thinks you could be our biggest hope to defeat her.” He stated.
Peaco*ck felt her arm eyes roll with annoyance, “I’ll do it some other time.” She huffed.
“Nope. You’re not putting this off by another day.” He said, suddenly picking her up by the back of her short cape’s collar with one metal claw, “Now come on.” He turned around and began to walk off with her. Peaco*ck gritted her metal teeth, thrashing in his grasp, though his metal grip was tight and absolutely refused to give. She yelled curses and insults at him, grabbing at the arm of the claw and trying to push herself off of it. Peaco*ck kicked at his metal body, knowing that it wouldn’t even hurt him, knowing it was useless to continue fighting, though the stubbornness that had saved her life so many times in the remains of the Romellgrad continued to burn deep within her.
“Let go’a me!” She said through clenched jaws.
“This is for your own good!” He yelled right back at her.
Finally, Peaco*ck’s pushing and shoving got her somewhere. She heard a rip, and then, she plummeted towards the ground. The piece of her collar he’d been holding had torn off entirely, leaving only a magenta scrap of fabric in his grasp. She immediately ran for her room once more. She slammed the door shut.
Peaco*ck slid down against the door, feeling her breaths grow louder and deeper. She grit her teeth so hard it hurt her jaw, and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing out, dripping down her chin and onto her dress.
Couldn't they all see she was having such a hard time?! All she wanted to do was watch some cartoons to get her mind running! It was an escape for her. From her own horrible thoughts. About her past, her parents, where had Marie gone? Why had this all happened to her? She continuously sobbed, feeling hot tears stain her dress and short cape. Peaco*ck was wrapped up in her emotions, unable to focus on anything else.

A tiny knock against the metal door suddenly brought her back to the present day. Peaco*ck sniffled and wiped her eyes free of tears with one white glove.
She looked back at the door, “What?” She whimpered, trying so hard to suck it all back in and hold herself together. She couldn’t let anyone see her tears.
An equally tiny voice answered her, “P-Peaco*ck? Are you okay?” It was Leduc! Peaco*ck hadn’t expected for him to come’a knockin’ when she was this distraught, but somehow, she felt as though she could trust him. Given her past, this felt strange to her. After all that she’d gone through, she’d blindly trust another kid without second thought? Perhaps she was just being irrational due to her emotions, but she unlocked her door and opened it. He was looking off to the side, his shoulders hunched and a plainly nervous expression on his face. His metal hands were clasped together tightly, and he seemed to be sweating anxiously. Leduc looked over to her and his eyes widened, his concerned expression deepening.
“Are you okay, Peaco*ck?” He asked, reaching one hand out to her shoulder. Peaco*ck took in a deep breath through her mouth, sniffled, and nodded. She moved away from his hand before it could meet her shoulder.
Leduc sighed, “Can I come in, please?” He asked, “You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind.” He said. Peaco*ck nodded again and moved aside for him to enter.
He stepped into her room and looked around, “Man, I’ve never been in here before. Neat room, by the way.” He hunched over a little as he said this, looking away from her awkwardly.
Peaco*ck went and sat on her hammock, “Thanks, I guess.” She rubbed her eyes.
Leduc came and sat beside her, “So. What happened? I heard the yelling from the cafeteria. I think everyone did.” He sighed and looked away once more. This made Peaco*ck’s face feel uncomfortably warm, as she very obviously blushed in embarrassment. Everyone had heard her?
“As a matter of fact, I saw Big Band storming through the hallways as I went to your room. He looked pretty annoyed.” Leduc said.
Peaco*ck scowled, “He wanted me to do stupid training! It’s so boring! It’s all dummies that don’t even fight back.” She let all her rage loose, feeling the tears return. Leduc put a hand on her shoulder and scooted closer. She continued, “I’m just tryna get a moment's peace, but it seems that I can never get any time of my own.” She told him.
“I get what you’re saying, I really do. I felt the same way.” Leduc replied.
Peaco*ck stared at him curiously, “How do you deal with it? The boredom?” She asked him.
Leduc shrugged, “I guess I just started thinking about how life would be if I wasn’t here, y’know?” He answered. Well that was about as helpful as a hole in her head. Oh well, she couldn’t blame him for trying to give her advice, even if it was crummy. Then, this got her thinking. What would life be like if she wasn’t here? Well, not in the sense that she’d be back in the orphanage in Romellgrad, but in the sense that she was as she is, living elsewhere, freely. Man, what she wouldn’t give to have no adults fussing over her and her habits. What if she could have that freedom, or just taste it for a little. Then she’d be satisfied. Then she could return to the mundane. She needed to stretch her legs for a little!

Peaco*ck’s crying stopped, and she smiled a little.
She looked up at Leduc, “Y’know, you make a fine point there, sparky.” She said, “What if we weren’t here?” She smirked.
Leduc frowned and looked mighty confused, “What do you mean? What are you getting at?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
Peaco*ck took Leduc’s metal hand with her own gloved mitt, “We could run away!” She exclaimed giddily.
Leduc’s eyes widened and his mouth hung open slightly, “What?! Run away? But that’s rude! A-and dangerous!” He said.
“What, ‘fraid of getting hurt like a widdle baby?” She said in a babying voice.
“No! No. Peaco*ck, I was one of the people there when we broke into that warehouse we rescued you from. I assure you I’m no baby.” He chuckled a little.
Peaco*ck nudged him harshly, “Then come with me! We won’t be gone forever, just a week or two. We could go by train all around the kingdom!” She said.
Leduc hunched over, “I don’t know.. The doctors would worry about us.” He said.
Peaco*ck shrugged, “Simple. We leave a note saying where we’re going.” She reassured him with a pat on the back.
To Peaco*ck’s dismay, Leduc shook his head and said, “No. I can’t. I’m sorry, Peaco*ck.”
Peaco*ck frowned, “Please..?” She scooted closer to him, “Please, Leduc? It’d make me mighty happy to have some company!” Peaco*ck begged him.
Leduc rolled his eyes, “Don't you have your little gang of toons?” He asked.
“I won’t bring them. Someone’s gotta keep my Annie merch collection nice and dusted!” She told him.
“Really? You’re not gonna bring them? What if you get hurt?” He asked.
Peaco*ck shrugged, “Then I’ll be hurt’n alone, unless you come with me. Please? It’ll be so much fun! We’ll come back before the week has ended, I promise!” Peaco*ck pleaded. For some odd reason, she wanted to get to know Leduc better. He’d been kind to her as of late, and that intrigued her.
Leduc looked down at the ground, “Fine.. I’ll come with you.” He muttered under his breath.
Peaco*ck smiled widely, “Yay!” She cheered.
Leduc gave her a suddenly stern expression, “But if we get into any sort of trouble, we’re going home, capiche?” He said.
Peaco*ck nodded, “No shenanigans, I promise. Just sightseein’ and good ol’ fashioned fun!” She elbowed him and jumped off of her hammock. He soon followed. Peaco*ck grabbed a piece of notebook paper and a red pen out of her top dresser drawer, and placed it against the dresser to write on it. She wrote a simple note that would inform the rest of the lab where she and Leduc were heading, and placed it down on her hammock. Then, she walked back over to Leduc and smiled at him excitedly.
“Are you ready to go?” She asked him.
Leduc averted his gaze, “I-I guess, shouldn’t we bring any supplies?” He said.
Peaco*ck shook her head, “If we pack anything up, it’ll seem real suspicious. We’ll get what we need on the way! It’ll be A-okay!” She reassured him.
Leduc sighed, “I guess I’m ready to go, then.” He said.
“Great!” Peaco*ck looped one spindly arm around him, “Let's get goin’ then.” She walked him out of her room at a quick pace. She made a straight shot for the exit before anyone could see the both of them.

Soon enough, they were both out on the streets of New Meridian. The lab was located deep underground, far below a grimier part of the city. A cold mist always wafted through the narrow streets, and no matter what time of year it was, it was always cold and gray on the eastern side of the city. A ferry sometimes came through the murky canals that split up this section of the city, but you’d rarely see people on it. Indeed, this part of the city was less attractive than the richer areas where the circus and medici tower were located, but Peaco*ck hardly minded it. Afterall, Peaco*ck had grown up in what was essentially a wasteland. She was grateful for even the slummiest part of town.
They walked through these dreary streets, not pausing to take in the sights or the sound of the rolling thunder traveling on the clouds above. They walked on dirty sidewalks, and Peaco*ck was scanning the area for any signs of train tracks. She didn’t have a pass for the metro, nor was she planning on using such a crowded, uncomfortable mode of transportation. No. She was going to do what she and the other kids used to dream of doing back in the wasteland.
There had been a freight train that still ran through no man’s land after the war. It carried goods and commodities from Canopy to Chess before the war. It had stopped for a time while the three major nations made her home into their playground, tinkering with experimental weaponry, and bombing every country in between until the once lush and beautiful land was no more than rock, sand, and ruin. This had been before Nancy had become the skullgirl. Her reign of terror caused the three major nations to cease their fighting and align to take down an even bigger threat, but by then, Romellgrad and every other tiny country they’d trampled had been too far gone to save. This is when the freight trains started up again, hauling resources from the Canopy kingdom to Chess once more. The train went right past the little town Peaco*ck had once called home, and she and the other orphans would talk about riding it to a safer place, where they could find families, food, education, everything that they lacked. They never came close to doing it, but it had always been in the back of Peaco*ck’s head.
They were going to ride the freight train around Canopy Kingdom some, and then return back to New Meridian once their much deserved break from the lab was over. It seemed like a solid plan to Peaco*ck!

She turned a corner, and the buildings stopped and gave way for a completely open area. Train tracks ran up and down this open area, and a few of them were stopped. Peaco*ck and Leduc waited behind a building, peering out at the yard. There were a few people checking the train cars, loading up supplies and goods. Peaco*ck eyed an open train car, totally empty. There were no eyes on that area either, now was their chance!
Peaco*ck smirked at Leduc, “There’s our ride!” She told him. Leduc looked unsure, but he didn’t protest. She grabbed his hand tightly and made a break for the train yard, towards the open car. Just like in the movies! She leapt into it, and dragged Leduc along with her. She hit the metal interior and slid from the force of the jump all the way to the back. She was dazed for a few moments and sat up, rubbing her head. She shook away the confusion and smiled, “See? Easy as pie!” She dusted herself off. Leduc still looked a little stunned, staring directly at Peaco*ck’s face with awe. This confused her. He was no wuss, why did he look so stunned?
Peaco*ck felt the train begin to move, chugging along the tracks slowly at first but quickly gaining speed. She heard the loud whistle ahead of her, signaling that the train was taking off. They’d gotten here just in time, now to see where the train takes them! She went over and sat at the edge, watching the gray outskirts of the city whirl past. Her feet hung out and kicked back and forth idly, and she hummed the intro to Annie of the Stars.
Leduc joined her, sitting with his legs crossed, mindlessly fiddling with his fingers as he too observed.

It fell silent for a while, the two just watching the different parts of the city go by. The clouds subsided, sunlight finding holes in its thick ceiling to shine down upon the world. It was afternoon now, and it was warming up in New Meridian. The moisture from the morning showers made it humid, making the air thick like butter. Leduc looked bothered by it, constantly scratching at his now moist, greasy hair and wiping away sweat from his brow. Peaco*ck didn’t care.
It didn’t take long for them to reach the prettier parts of New Meridian, where the casinos and the circus were, where money flowed like water. They were traveling around the circumference of the city, given a pretty good view of the skyline. The day had finally become crisp and clear at last, the sun fighting off the last of those pesky morning clouds. The sun shone against the glass windows of distant skyscrapers, making the city look plated in crystal. Specifically Medici Tower shone with a crystalline luminosity. It was the tallest building in the city, so caught the sun so perfectly that it highlighted itself as the crown jewel of the city. Peaco*ck felt bubbling anger whenever she saw the perfect, pristine building, knowing about their crimes, about her first hand experiences with their “generosity” that they claimed to bestow on the city. Peaco*ck knew she was powerless to do anything currently, and she was certain she’d get scolded by the lab for going after them anyways, so she opted to let it lie, for now.
Leduc finally broke the silence, “Pretty, isn’t it?” He said.
Peaco*ck shrugged, “I guess. As pretty as it could be.” She said.
Leduc frowned for a moment, “Hey Peaco*ck? Can I ask you something?” He questioned.
Peaco*ck was silent for a second, “..Sure.” She answered, “Go on, spit it out.” She smirked.
“Where do you find the uh.. Y’know.. The courage?” He asked.
Peaco*ck pondered those words for a few moments, “Whaddya mean?” She said.
“I’d never have the confidence to pull something like this off on my own.” He said.
Peaco*ck dropped her smirk, “Y’know, I was wondering about that myself.” She deflected, “Back when I was armless and legless and eyeless n’ all that, you went with blowhard and the rest of' em’ to come save me and the other kids, you seemed pretty confident that you knew you’d win. I couldn’t see you, but I could hear it when you spoke. Like you weren’t afraid’a nothin.” She explained, “But recently you’ve been actin’ like a big wuss! No offense.” She nudged him.
Leduc frowned, “To tell you the truth.. I’ve never been very confident.” He began, “I felt a little more at ease because Ben and Ileum were there, and I knew I had to save everyone. I had to be a hero, you know?” He held himself in his arms and looked up, “I didn’t care what those bad men thought of me because whatever I did, they had definitely done worse. I just don’t want to let everyone back at the lab down. They took me in when I was small. Really small. They believed in me, and they still believe in me! I can’t disappoint them by misbehaving.” He said.
Peaco*ck raised one eyebrow, “Then why in the hell did ya come with me?” She asked. Leduc went quiet and looked away, but it didn’t deter Peaco*ck’s curiosity. If he was so worried about disappointing everyone, why didn’t he put his foot down and let Peaco*ck go by herself?
“I-I don’t know.” He replied sheepishly.
Peaco*ck decided not to press him further, “Well, I grew up with nothin’ and nobody to fail or disappoint. I either lived or I didn’t. I was either happy or I was sad. Very simple. I’ve already disappointed brass for brains, I couldn’t give two hoots what he thought of me.” This was a lie. Peaco*ck knew she was lying through her teeth. She’d wanted to be good and make the man that saved her when all the odds were against her proud. After all, Ben’s perseverance to protect the innocent was what inspired her into this line of work to begin with. She just didn’t know why she had to act up, or why she always chose to disappoint him instead.
Leduc sighed, “I wish I was like that.” He held his chin in the palm of his metal hand, looking down.
Peaco*ck shook her head, “Nuh uh, this trip is all about getting away from all that. Forget about it.” She stated, lifting his chin with one finger.
Leduc gave her a tiny smile, “Alright.” He said, and that was that. It went back to silence.

Around mid afternoon, the skyline of New Meridian was but a blot on the horizon. The coastal town was disappearing into the distance, and they were now traveling through smaller towns on the outskirts of the city. They were pretty average, small towns. A neighborhood, a school, a few small businesses and restaurants. Peaco*ck didn’t know their names, nor had she ever seen these places. She had never seen the kingdom outside of New Meridian, as her journey through these lands had been when she was trafficked and unable to truly get her bearings.
Leduc was boredly watching the current little town flash by, “Hmm. Judging by the direction we’re going.. We must be getting close to Ashmore.” He said.
Peaco*ck smiled, “You must know your way around the kingdom.” She said.
Leduc smiled back, “I’ve lived here my entire life. I was born in Ashmore, actually.” He started, laying back with his hands behind his head.
Peaco*ck laid down beside him on her side, “Oh really? Tell me more.” This was her chance to really get to know this guy, finally.
He looked upwards thoughtfully, “Mm, I was born in Ashmore. It’s just some little town on the outskirts of New Meridian. I don’t know much about my parents, I was too little to really remember them.” He explained, “But, I was taken in by the labs after it happened.” He told her. Peaco*ck tried not to show it, but his lack of context was really getting on her nerves.
She finally chimed in, “So, what happened to ya?” She poked him in between the eyes.
Leduc looked away, “I shouldn’t talk about it. It’s in the past now. I don’t like thinking about it.” He replied hastily.
Peaco*ck narrowed her eyes at him, but decided just to let it go for now. She’d get the truth out of him eventually. All it took was persistence. Suddenly, Peaco*ck heard a wretched noise, a loud, angry grumble. A maddened growl. She looked around for the source of the noise and saw Leduc with his face all red.
“What was that?” Peaco*ck asked him suspiciously.
Leduc gulped and sat up, “Um.. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning. Only that orange.. I didn’t think we’d be running away, you know?” He chuckled anxiously.
Peaco*ck sighed a little and nodded, “Alright, okay. We’ll hop off the next time the train stops and get some brunch, kay?” She smirked. She didn’t feel hungry. Years of living off of scraps had made her resistant to starvation, though she had to admit, some flapjacks right about now was an idea so mouthwateringly tantalizing that she gave in easily.
Leduc scooted closer to Peaco*ck, “Thanks.” He replied. They went silent again and just waited for the train to stop.

Eventually, the train slowed and came to a halt in a wooded area. Above the treeline, the tops of buildings could be seen. Peaco*ck immediately hopped off the train, stepping a few paces away from the tracks. She turned back to see Leduc on the train, staring at those building tops with an ocean of thoughts behind his ice blue eyes.
Peaco*ck put her hands on her hips, “You coming, Leduc?” She called. He flinched, and looked down at Peaco*ck as if he’d just been woken from a trance.
He scratched the back of his head, “Y-yeah! I’m coming.” Leduc replied as he jumped out of the train cart and walked over to her. He kept averting his gaze, fiddling with the contraptions on his arms, and mumbling quietly. Something was up, but Peaco*ck knew already that asking would make his anxiety worse. She sighed and simply resolved to leave him be, turning around and beginning to head through the trees and into the town ahead. Leduc was frozen for a few moments before he ran to catch up with Peaco*ck once more. They walked side by side as they breached the treeline and entered civilization once more.
The sidewalks were old and cracked, and many buildings stood vacant. There were a few people about town, mostly older folks or young parents. Overall, it seemed like the soul of this town had been completely sucked out after years of halted progress. Construction sites lay empty, houses remained for sale, the town was full of tiny shops and restaurants doomed to the same dreaded fate as the rest of the gutted town.
Peaco*ck looked over at Leduc again to see him staring off into the far distance, where the main center of town transformed into suburban sprawl, where houses remained uninhabited. She made a weird, awkward expression and took him by the hand once more. Peaco*ck had a feeling this was the “Ashmore” Leduc had spoken of, which was why he was acting so odd. They just needed to get some food, and leave. Leduc would be happier once they were on the tracks again.
Peaco*ck eyed one of those small town diners in a bland looking building, probably run by a local family. She began to take Leduc over to it, and he gripped her hand tighter, squeezing it with anxious force. They crossed the road, and then got to the entrance. Peaco*ck opened the door, and a little bell at the top of it jingled to let the staff know they had entered.

Immediately, the smell of syrup and sausage filled Peaco*ck’s nose. It was pleasantly warm in the diner, and light poured in from windows all around the building, illuminated old tables and booths that, while clean, looked ancient. There were four people seated in the diner that Peaco*ck could see. An old couple that sat across from each other, eating pancakes decorated with blueberries and strawberries; a younger gentleman with a piping hot cup of joe; a middle aged woman eating some sort of sandwich. A waitress was there to greet them. She was a dog feral wearing black clothes and a white apron, and had a big smile on her face. It was almost unnerving to Peaco*ck, but the smell of fresh pancakes and bacon made her brush the creepy smile off as just excitement to see new faces about town.
“Welcome in! How many people are we seating today?” She asked tentatively.
Peaco*ck smirked, “Just two.” She held up two fingers.
The waitress picked up two laminated menus and beckoned them to follow her with one hand. She took them both to a booth, and set their menus in front of them. Leduc and Peaco*ck were seated opposed to one another, and Peaco*ck picked up the menu, beginning to read over it with one of the eyes on her arms.
“I’ll be back to take your drink orders momentarily.” The waitress said. Something in her tone made Peaco*ck suspicious. She had a terrified twinge to her tone, as if she was afraid of the two. Peaco*ck looked up from the menu to see that the waitress had left. She felt eyes on her, as if the entire diner were watching her and Leduc, which, upon further examination, it seemed they were! The four other people in the diner gave her and Leduc the occasional sideways glance, eying their odd appearances. She felt a pinch of annoyance and one eye hole twitched. This was some nowhere town, of course they’d be all googly eyed over the two ASGs. She sighed and leaned down further in her seat, reading over the menu until she got a good idea of what she wanted to eat. She dropped the menu back onto the table and watched Leduc. He was staring out of the window beside them, at the town.

Before Peaco*ck could open her mouth, the server was back.
She stood at the end of the booth with a notepad and pen, “Alright, what can I get started for you?” She asked anxiously.
Peaco*ck looked upwards thoughtfully, “A cuppa joe oughta do the trick.” She said, as if she hadn’t already had a “cuppa joe” this morning. That was the beauty of this trip! Nobody could tell her what she could and couldn’t have.
The waitress quickly wrote it down, “And for you? Sir?” She looked at Leduc.
Leduc fumbled over his words, “I- Um. Can I get a glass of orange juice? Thanks.” He looked to his feet with his shoulders hunched.
The waitress wrote his order down and then smiled, “Alright, I’ll be back soon.” She said. The waitress speedily walked away from the situation.
Peaco*ck finally got her chance to talk to Leduc, “This is that Ashmore place you were talking about, ain’t it?” She gave him an interesting glance.
Leduc froze for a moment, “Um, yes. This is Ashmore. Although, I remember it looking much prettier when I was young.” He said, looking out the window.
“Yeah. It really looks like a nothing town now.” She leaned back and put her feet on the table, crossing her legs. It definitely wasn’t as much of a nowhere town as her home in Romellgrad was, but it was still a ghost of what once was. Leduc laid his chin down on the table, crossing his arms over one another and looking as though he was in deep thought.
The waitress finally appeared again and set down a steaming hot coffee and a glass of orange juice, “Now, what can I get you to eat?” She asked, clicking her pen to begin jotting down their orders.
“Eh, two flapjacks and some scrambled eggs should do the trick.” Peaco*ck said.
“I’ll have two waffles and some bacon.” Leduc told her.
The server nodded, “Alright, it’ll be out shortly.” She said, walking off.
Peaco*ck relaxed, letting the calm vibe of the diner put her at ease. She ignored the staring from the other guests, though Leduc was having a hard time coping with it. He was sort of covering his face with the menu, his head down on the table. Man, this stank. Staring wasn’t uncommon in New Meridian, but it wasn’t laced with such judgemental poison. She thought it’d be nice to make people afraid of her, but it just made her feel downright guilty.

Peaco*ck and Leduc talked about unimportant things for a while. Mostly about food preferences, hobbies, ect. Leduc didn’t have many unique passions. He just wanted to train and be ready to take on the next Skullgirl. Peaco*ck adamantly agreed. Finally, the waitress came back with their food. Peaco*ck’s pancakes looked scrumptious and fluffy, coated in a rich, thick maple syrup and a rectangular slice of butter at the top. Her eggs looked equally fluffy, light golden with bits of bacon cooked inside, and lightly dusted with red-orange paprika. Her mouth watered at the sight.
Peaco*ck looked up at the waitress and smiled a steely grin, “Thanks a million!” She said, beginning to scarf the food down. Man, she’d been starving!
Leduc ate slower and more politely, watching Peaco*ck wolf her food down with an amused expression. It wasn’t long until Peaco*ck had finished her food. She had hardly tasted it, but it didn’t matter to her. She was full, so she was happy. Peaco*ck then watched Leduc slowly finish off his plate. She didn’t mind waiting, oddly.
Once Leduc was finished, Peaco*ck stretched her back and slid out of the booth. Leduc followed close behind, and he looked down at the shorter tween with worry. Peaco*ck looked back up at him with a confused expression.
Leduc spoke, “Aren’t we supposed to, you know.. Pay?” He asked. Peaco*ck felt a rise of embarrassment in her gut. Uh oh. She’d completely forgotten that these things had a cost attached. Before she could reply, the feral waitress stepped into view. She was holding a thin strip of paper.
“Alright, here’s your check.” She said, handing it to Leduc. Leduc clenched his teeth as he read over the bill, and Peaco*ck had to think fast.

“Well actually, that’s pretty funny because-” Before she could finish her sentence, she clutched Leduc’s wrist with an iron grip and hopped upward. The force of Peaco*ck’s jump dragged Leduc up with her, and a big, black hole appeared where their feet once touched the ground. The waitress was wide eyed and frozen in shock as the two disappeared into the hole, and it closed right up before her eyes.
Peaco*ck and Leduc appeared from out of another hole right outside. Their feet touched the ground and Peaco*ck immediately went running, dragging Leduc behind her. He stumbled but found his footing, running beside her.
Peaco*ck heard the bell from the door behind her, “Hey! Come back! Thieves!” The waitress yelled, but Peaco*ck kept running. She felt adrenaline, it made her run faster. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, and the feeling of fear bubbled within and made her feel like she was going to implode. It felt so good. So so good. Peaco*ck loved the thrill of danger! Leduc not so much, though.
He stumbled over his words, “What are we doing?!” He yelped.
“Stealing!” Peaco*ck said back.
“Why?! It’s a little mom and pop shop!” He replied back to her.
She sighed, “I know! I know, but I ain’t got no cash on me! Neither do you!” Peaco*ck said, “This is just how it goes sometimes! You gotta eat to live, and sometimes, you gotta steal to eat, okay?! ‘Sides, they won’t get too hurt by twenty bones worth’a food goin’ uncollected. I’d pay them if I could.” She reassured him as they made a break for the train yard. Peaco*ck only hoped they weren’t too late, and that the train hadn’t left yet.
Leduc spoke again, “I-I guess you’re right.” He said, “I still feel bad about it.” He commented. Peaco*ck understood how he felt. It made her feel a bit guilty, but she’d get over it easily. It did make her think though, was she really the hero, the protagonist of her own little cartoon if she thought stealing was acceptable? It all circled back to that thought she’d had hours earlier, how despite the fact that she wanted to earn her elder ASG’s respect, she always did something stupid or wrong. It amplified that tiny feeling of guilt. Though, she recognized that she needed to focus on that later, as the train was just ahead!

It wasn’t idling anymore. It was beginning to slowly move forward, picking up the pace gradually. The train car they’d been riding in earlier was quickly leaving, but Peaco*ck wasn’t about to get stranded in this nowhere town! The adrenaline drowned out her senses as she made haste for the open train car. Leduc was telling her to stop, or something along those lines, but she wasn’t paying attention. She made a leap for it, and she and Leduc went toppling down into the train car. She hit the interior floor harshly and slid across it to the back. Leduc went WHAM right next to her, and Peaco*ck simply took this moment to take a few breaths and get herself composed. She then sat up, and Leduc slowly did the same.
“T-that was insane!” Leduc stated.
“Yeah!” Peaco*ck agreed, shaking from the rush.
Leduc gulped, “L-let’s just take a breather.” He went quiet, probably gathering his thoughts. Peaco*ck did the same, watching the world rush past once more.
Peaco*ck finally cleared her throat, “So uh.. That was Ashmore. An interesting town, for sure.” She said.
Leduc took a deep breath in and put his head back, “Yep. Lot’s of memories are flooding back to me.” He replied. Peaco*ck scooted herself closer to him, almost to where she was leaning against him.
“Um, if you don’t mind me askin’, what happened to your folks?” She questioned.
Leduc frowned but spoke anyway, “Well. I was born to regular people in that nothing town. It was quiet, which is probably why they wanted to raise me there instead of in New Meridian. It was the war times, y’know?” He chuckled somberly and then went on, “Well. I was young when it happened. I don’t remember the exact details, but the Queen became a skullgirl and tore her way through the kingdom briefly before going out into no man’s land, and.. She went through Ashmore. The house caught on fire, there was an explosion, and my parents died. I don’t remember much after that. I remember waking up in the lab. They said my burns were so severe that my limbs had to be amputated from the joint down, but there was hope for me, which is how I got to where I am today.” He stated. Peaco*ck listened intently, considering his words and how the next things she would say would affect him. Man, she needed more friends her age, and Marie probably wasn’t showing up any time soon.
She finally looked him in the eyes, “I’m.. sorry.” She said simply.
Leduc was choking back tears, “It’s okay. I-it’s not as bad as what you went through, so I don’t know why I’m even complaining.” He couldn’t hold back anymore, and tears came streaming down his face. Peaco*ck took a deep breath, and wiped his tears from his eyes.
She smiled and shook her head, “No. That’s not how it works, Leduc. That was awful to go through! My story is irrelevant.” She told him. She suddenly wrapped her noodly arms around him in a tight hug.
Leduc’s crying ceased and he hugged back, “T-thank you Peaco*ck.” He said under shallow breaths, his lips quivering.
Peaco*ck nodded, “It’s okay, just let it out.” She told him. She wished she could follow her own advice, but she was still too stubborn to. It seemed her stubbornness was what kept her from earning the respect of her labmates. Oh well. She’d once again dwell on it later. Leduc was more important right now.

Leduc cried for a little longer, on and off, mumbling about what’d happened. Peaco*ck just held onto him and comforted him through it. Once he was done, Leduc scooted away from Peaco*ck and just watched the land outside.
Peaco*ck smiled at him again, “I wonder where the train will take us next.” She commented.
“Yeah. I hope somewhere nice. Somewhere pretty.” He replied.
Peaco*ck nodded and looked ahead of her, thinking of the events of the day. All she was wondering now was how things would be when they got back home.

Meanwhile, back in Ashmore, a certain feral waitress stepped out for her break. She went through the back exit and leaned against the wall, thinking about the two half-witted children that she’d encountered earlier. They’d dined and dashed, though she’d speculated that this would happen. The two didn’t look more than fifteen, and their odd appearances made them instantly recognizable, at least to her. She knew their kind well, Anti-Skullgirl Weapons. They were a thorn in her side, truly. She would’ve disposed of them then and there if she could have, but they were out in public and she couldn’t give away who she really was, lest she wanted to be killed.
She’d watched the two ignorant children run to the train tracks that ran by town, and judging by where the train was facing, they were going towards No Man’s Land, through Canopolis, the heart of this disgusting kingdom. Soon, it would all be destroyed, and her work would be done. The thought soothed her.
She just had to make sure the two children didn’t reach Romellgrad, where she was sure the annoying little cartoon would meet an old friend of her’s, convincing her to come back with her to New Meridian and killing her chance at continuing her life’s work. She’d make sure that Peaco*ck didn’t get to Marie, even if she had to kill the little squirt to ensure it.
The waitress’s form shifted in moments, flesh stretching and features bulging, only to disappear into a mass of more flesh, revealing the true shapeshifter in that dark alleyway. Double headed for the train tracks, ready to ensure the next Skullgirl’s existence.

On the Run - Chapter 1 - Cirrusdelirious (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.