Nigel Slater's Christmas recipes (2024)

If Christmas was about just one meal, the cook's life would be so much more straightforward. Vegetarian guests aside, we could simply produce the classic Christmas dinner with all the appropriate bells and whistles. Yet part of the joy of the season is that there are so many meals to cook, each of them just as special as the next. Not just family meals, but lunches and dinners for close friends and distant relatives, too.

I generally save the goose for Christmas Day, so pork, beef and game birds get a chance to show themselves in their festive colours for the other Christmas meals. And not just the expensive cuts either. This year I will be serving a rolled belly of pork instead of a more expensive loin, with a double stuffing of seasoned carrots and pearl barley-flecked sausage meat. There will be a cheese course of chicory, stichelton and walnuts, and a trifle with a distinctly British note of apples and custard. As celebration meals go, it is not that expensive either.

The meat is best ordered from your butcher. Ask him for a 2kg piece of belly, boned and with the skin scored ready for stuffing and rolling. Alternatively, you could roast the meat as it is, then cook the stuffing separately in a roasting tin.

Oh and you get lots of gravy with this recipe, plenty for everyone and some left for tomorrow's bubble and squeak.

Roast pork belly with carrots and barley with cider gravy

Nigel Slater's Christmas recipes (1)

Plenty for eight here. I would serve this with the butternut squash below. The recipe makes a good amount of gravy, but the creamy juices from the butternut squash are good with it, too. Some greens such as cavolo nero or spinach would be perfect here.

pork belly 2kg, boned weight, ask your butcher to score the fat
pearl or pot barley 150g
carrots 600g
onion 1 large
a little oil
sausages for the stuffing 600g
small orange the zest of 1
dry (English) cider for gravy 500ml
stock 500ml

Slit the pork just under the skin, between the fat and meat, opening the meat out flat as you go. Set aside at room temperature while you make the stuffing.

Put the pearl barley into a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Do not season. Simmer for approximately 18-20 minutes, till the grains are just short of soft – they should be al dente. Drain thoroughly in a sieve or fine colander.

Meanwhile scrub the carrots, peeling them if their skins are very thick, then boil or steam for about 20 minutes till tender. Mash with a potato masher or in a food processor, keeping the texture fairly rough. Season with salt and black pepper.

Set the oven at 220C/gas mark 7. Peel and finely slice the onion. Warm the oil in a shallow pan over a moderate heat and add the onions, leaving them to cook, with the occasional stir, till pale gold. Put the sausage meat into a bowl, add the cooked onions then stir in the drained pearl barley. Add the grated zest of a small orange then check the seasoning.

Open the pork belly out flat on a work surface, then place two-thirds of the pearl barley stuffing on to the centre of the meat, pushing it into a rectangle the length of the meat and approximately 10cm wide. Spread the mashed carrots on top of the stuffing, then roll the belly carefully, securing it with butcher's string and skewers as you go. Place in a roasting tin, and roast for 20 minutes. Lower the heat to 180C/gas mark 4 and continue cooking for roughly an hour till the juices run clear. Remove from the oven and transfer the meat to a warm plate.

Pour the cider into a pan, place over a high heat and boil hard to reduce it by about one third. Pour any excessive fat off the juices in the roasting tin. Pour the cider into the roasting tin along with the stock. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve any pan crustings. Continue to simmer for 10 minutes or until the quantity is reduced by a third. There should be about 800ml which is more than enough. Season and pour into a warm jug.

Beetroot horseradish toasts

I like to assemble these no more than half an hour before serving, but I tend to get the various parts ready to go earlier in the day. Getting the beetroot diced and the radishes marinated means you can leave the assembly to the very last minute.

For the toasts:
baguette or other stick-type loaf 16 slices
radishes 150g
lemon juice 75ml
orange juice 75ml
cooked beetroot 400g
creamed horseradish 150g
radish sprouts a handful

Slice the radishes finely, then put them in a small bowl with the lemon and orange juices. Set aside for at least 30minutes.

Finely dice the cooked beetroot. Lightly toast or warm the slices of bread. Spread the horseradish cream generously over the toasts, divide the beetroot between them, then add the sliced radishes. Place a few radish sprouts on each slice and serve.

Mustard baked butternut

Nigel Slater's Christmas recipes (2)

Lots of sweet, mustardy juices here to spoon over the roast pork.

red onions 2
butternut squash or pumpkin 1.5kg, unpeeled weight
double cream 1 litre
milk a little to thin the cream (optional)
wholegrain mustard 4 tbsp

Set the oven at 160C/gas mark 3. Peel the onions, then slice them finely. Peel the butternut squash, then cut the flesh into thin slices, as you would potatoes if you were making a potato dauphinoise, removing any seeds and fibres as you go.

Layer the onions and butternut slices in a large baking dish, slightly overlapping. Put the cream in a jug or bowl, thinning it down with milk if your cream is very thick, season with salt and pepper and the mustard then pour over the squash and onions.

Bake for 90 minutes or more till tender to the point of a knife. The slices should be al dente rather than soft as in a potato gratin. Serve with plenty of the juices from the baking tin.

Stichelton and walnut salad

Nigel Slater's Christmas recipes (3)

A crisp, refreshing cheese course with crisp pears and chicory. Something to put on the table at the end of the meal. Use Stilton if Stichelton is unavailable.

walnut halves 100g
lemon the zest of 1
lemon juice a little
pears 2
Stichelton 100g
chicory 1-2 heads slim chicory (16 leaves)

Toast the walnuts in a dry shallow pan. Grate the lemon zest into a bowl, then add the lemon juice. Using a vegetable peeler, remove thin slices of the pears and drop into the lemon juice.

Crumble the cheese into large pieces. Separate the leaves of the chicory – you will need 16 medium to small leaves. Place the leaves, closely together, on a board or serving plate. Add pieces of the marinated pear, cheese and toasted walnuts to each one.

Baked apple trifle

Nigel Slater's Christmas recipes (4)

For the sponge layer:
large apples 1kg
plain panettone 75g-100g
dry or medium sweet sherry a little
caster sugar a little to taste
lemon the zest of 1

For the fresh custard (or 500ml ready-made custard)
creamy milk 500ml
vanilla pod 1
egg yolks 5
caster sugar 5 tbsp

For the cream layer:
double cream 200ml
natural, creamy yoghurt 100g

To decorate:
lime or orange zest a little
sugar for the shattered caramel (see below) 100g

You will also need:
6 trifle glasses or a single serving bowl

Score the apples round the middle, then bake at 200C/gas mark 6 for 40-60 minutes or so, or until they are soft and fluffy. Scrape out the soft flesh, taking care to discard the cores, and set aside to cool. (If the skin is tender and pleasant to eat then I would include alittle of that too, cut insmall pieces. But not if it is thick andchewy.)

To make the custard, pour the milk into a saucepan, split the vanilla pod lengthways, scrape the seeds into the milk and drop the pod in there too, then bring slowly towards the boil. When the milk is on the point of boiling – it will be shuddering, bubbles will be visible and maybe a little steam – remove it from the heat and leave for about 20 minutes. This allows the vanilla pod to do its stuff. Lift out the vanilla pod.

Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until they are thick and pale, then pour in the milk and stir. Rinse the milk pan then pour in the custard and placeover a low heat. Stir almost constantly with a wooden spoon till it thickens somewhat, getting right down into the corners of the pan. The consistency should be that of double cream. It is essential not to let the mixture get too hot otherwise it will curdle. (If it does, then pour straightaway into a clean container and plunge it into a sink of cold water, beat furiously until it comes together.) Leave to cool (it will thicken very slightly, but should still bepourable.)

Cut the panettone into small cubes and arrange them in six glasses or asingle serving bowl, spooning over alittle dry sherry as you go. The sponge should be damp rather than soggy. Pour the cooled custard on top of the cake and leave in the fridge to settle.

Stir a little sugar and the lemon zest into the cooked apples. Spoon the apple mixture over the custard – some of it will sink a little.

Whip the cream and yoghurt together in a bowl. You should stop whipping when the cream will lie in soft folds, only just keeping its shape.

Spoon the cream on top of the apple. Finish with a scattering of suitable decorations such as finely grated citrus zest and pieces of the shattered caramel.

To make the caramel, melt 100g of sugar with just enough water to cover it. Leave over a moderate heat until it melts then watch closely until it is deep amber in colour. Pour on to a lightly oiled baking sheet and allow to set. Shatter into sharp pieces with a heavy object and scatter over the trifle.

Nigel Slater's Christmas recipes (2024)


What does Gordon Ramsay make for Christmas? ›

The Main Event

Ramsay roasts a whole turkey with lemon, parsley, garlic and butter and serves it with a gravy made from drippings, cider, and crushed walnuts. Ramsay whips up a pork, apricot and pistachio stuffing to enjoy alongside the bird as well as roasted potatoes with chili and turmeric.

Is Nigel Slater a chef or a cook? ›

Author, columnist, diarist and broadcaster, he remains very much an amateur cook. Nigel is not a chef and has no restaurant or commercial connections.

Where is Nigel Slater's simple cooking filmed? ›

Nigel Slater demonstrates straightforward, down-to-earth cooking, filmed at his home vegetable patch and on friends' allotments, taking us through a week's worth of simple suppers.

How do you roast potatoes Nigel Slater? ›

The recipe

Scrub 450g of small potatoes. Put them in a shallow roasting dish, still wet, then lightly add 1 tbsp of olive oil and a little sea salt and bake them at 200C/gas mark 6 for 45 minutes. Test them for doneness with the point of a skewer. While the potatoes bake, make the sauce.

How much is Gordon Ramsay charging for Christmas dinner? ›

Gordon Ramsay charges £290 per person for Christmas dinner - but turkey isn't on the menu. We all love a bit of extravagance at Christmas, but would you be willing to part with £290 to enjoy a Christmas dinner that doesn't even come with turkey?

Is Gordon Ramsay a billionaire? ›

Gordon Ramsay – Net Worth $220 Million

Having amassed a net worth of $220 million, he can rightfully claim the title of second wealthiest chef globally. Even though he first gained notoriety in the food industry, his television programs account for the majority of his current income.

How did Nigel Slater lose weight? ›

Around my middle was a thick layer of fat.” The technique to get rid of it was keeping a food diary, he revealed in a feature for the Guardian. “For the entire 12 months I kept a record of everything I put in my mouth,” he revealed. Despite losing fat, Nigel was not intending to lose weight through his regime.

Is Nigel Slater married to Joan Potter? ›

Slater eventually marries Joan and becomes more unbearable from the excessive consumption of Mrs. Potter's cooking. Nigel reaches a boiling point with his stepmother when he starts working at the local pub's restaurant to hone his skills in more sophisticated cooking, which she perceives as a threat.

Where is Nigel Slater's home? ›

But look anywhere in this house - this perfect, beautiful house (late Georgian, built by Thomas Cubitt, the best in its quiet terrace in Highbury) - and you have to blink twice. Before Slater took it over in 2000 it had, appropriately enough, served as an art gallery (as well as a hospice and a slum).

What is Nigel Slater doing now? ›

Nigel is currently working on a documentary for 2024 with Executive Producer James Thompson. Nigel's latest book is A Cook's Book, published by 4th Estate 2021.

What happened to Nigel Slater's dad? ›

He was the younger of two sons born to factory owner Cyril "Tony" Slater and housewife Kathleen Slater (née Galleymore). This was his father's second marriage. His mother died of asthma in 1965. In 1971, his father remarried to Dorothy Perrens, dying in 1973.

Why are my roast potatoes never crispy? ›

You'll never get a crisp result if they are full of water.” In fact, Joe White, head chef at 10 Tib Lane in Manchester, even goes so far as to say “For the perfect roasties make sure to steam or boil them the day before and let them air dry overnight in the fridge.

Why do you soak potatoes in water before roasting? ›

Soaking potatoes in water helps remove excess starch. Excess starch can inhibit the potatoes from cooking evenly as well as creating a gummy or sticky texture on the outside of your potatoes. Cold water is used because hot water would react with the starch activating it, making it harder to separate from the potatoes.

Why are my roast potatoes soggy inside? ›

Roasted potatoes can become soggy if the water content in the potato isn't fully cooked. Different potatoes have different water content percentages. Also, be mindful of the oil. Potatoes can react like sponges; too much oil can make your potatoes appear to be soggy.

How much does Gordon Ramsay make from all his restaurants? ›

According to the British financial website This Is Money, Ramsay's restaurant group "reported record revenues of £78.9m ($96 million USD) for the 12 months ending August 2022, up from £26.2m ($31.9 million USD) the year prior." The outlet also reported that the pandemic predictably greatly hindered his businesses and ...

How much does Gordon Ramsay get paid for each episode of Hell's Kitchen? ›

With each episode he graces, Gordon Ramsay commands a staggering salary of $225,000 (£177.6k). With a whopping 314 episodes of hit show Hell's Kitchen currently on offer and 26 episodes of Next Level Chef, that's a whopping big paycheck for the British dad-of-five.

Does Gordon Ramsay give money to charity? ›

Gordon and Tana have their own foundation in partnership with Great Ormond Street Hospital. The Gordon and Tana Ramsay Foundation has a calendar of events each year, which raise vital funds to support the children's hospital.

What does Gordon Ramsay do in a day? ›

Ramsay's intense persona on TV is no act, and is indicative of his daily routine. On most days, he's up at 5am, working 15 to 16 hour days and juggling multiple time zones at any given moment.


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