Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Lafayette, Indiana

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Monday Evening ebruary 5 J923 LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER ARC killed the treat bauk Your did fell him? Children Mr hu jiart of the See tme every meal Also on Same Program Pine Tar Honey 11 WILL ROGERS in new comedy drama all members Also ox News 10c 25c 1:30 10:30 Sent to Jail on 10c 20c 25c Tax Included Catholic Dramatic The JOUS Sloans Liniment A pain! IS A LOVE STERLING? I at for your enjoyment arid we want you ALSO to TWAS EVER EDUCATIONAL COMEDY COME EARLY THIS EVENING TODAY TUESDAY WED OUR DAYS STARTING MATINEE 10 20 30c 1 25c 10c 1 ion eb the succurned at 11:30 on duty OWING TO THE LENGTH THE PROLOGUE WILL GO ON AT 7:10 AND 9:15 EACH EVENING ha short IT ALL IN THE MYSTERY DRAMA OR IS IT ONLY PLATED? WHICH WEARS THROUGH ATER A WHILE REVEALING AN ALLOY BENEATH THE SURACE du the A ooenedy full of action BEST 1 Mae Murray OX Broadway Rose I PICTUM A ROMANCE THE MOST DANGER OUS STREET IN THE WORLD Julian of his plarte Is it 40 when a husband believes still young and a wife is afraid to be old? The rehearsal Dramatic dull scheduled lor hall has been The plot unique and hu music by Vin All the fem SHE LET HIM SPEAK? like thousands of other children just love Karo spread on sliced bread at meals and between meals fun and 43 curvlreat Morton and Clxudc Kious Mrs Kate Slaughter of Rensselaer' Mrs Lillian Payne of LAfayette and Mrs Mpse Shively of Brookston When a young girl she united with the Methodist Episcopal church and her entire life was guided by the teachings of that faith She was honored and respected by a large circle of friends A story replete with man love and interest it and know the son ck whei trre of the law ujMn Both stood at the dangerous age when an old wife of 38 want to know any thing about a young husband of 40 But is that the only Dangerous Age? jesting up Anderson engineer for duty alter a Lewis Stone as the man who went wandering Ruth Clifford as the girl who set him squander ing Cleo Madison as the wife who dering the ably be hel I Produced in all the magnificence to be cofnmanded by the producer of Miss past successes will re epter Northwestern varsity is charming and has a this graduate of NIGHT SEE GREAT CHOIR BOYS TO PRESENT PLAY Tagg nt the "morning Service Calif eb 4000 shop vi rt fir end burial was in Odd ellow cemetery Mrs Kious died Saturday Her demise followed an extended ill ness and wgs caused by a com plication of diseases She was born near Richmond Va December 18 1845 Her maiden name was Eliza Ridgway 4nd in 1875 she waf united in marriage to Wesley Kious who with tbe following chi I PRESENTED WITH AN ELABORATE MUSICAL EXTRAVA GANZ A PROLOGUE IN EIGHT SCENES AND A CAST 35 PEOPLE afternoon when 521 which' was i :30 3:00 4:30 6:00 7:30 and 9:00 PARENTS SON Mr and Mrs Perry Thompson aie the parents of a son Robert William born ebruary 1 at their home 1204 Elizabeth street Young armer Weds City School Teacher St Mary's Catholic church in rankfort was the scene of a pret ty wedding Monday morning at 9 o'clock when Miss 'Marie itzger ald a popular teacher at the Oak land school in this city beonrae the wife ofD Robert Douglass of 11 Sopth Eighth street this city The bride who is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin itzgerald of Stockwell complished friends in She is a Loosens Coughs and Colds be sttrorised at the remark able qualities of this genuine old syrupof pine tarhoney It loosens hardrpacked phlegm acts as a healing tonic on sore inflamed tissues stops coughs short So pleasant tasting and harmless It is fine for chil as well as coughs Ask your druggist for 30c Dr did I lie dark The Drama of Wandering Men and Wondering Women Rheumatism 1 banish pain! Apply Restore healthy circu lation of blood through congested tis sues Since congestion causes the instant relicfl Prices 10c 5c and 25c By far the most elaborate largest in number of neo ple tn cast tn scenes or any prologue ever attempted the Mars 1 Sec MAE MURRAY IN THIS CINEMA SENSATION I ra Speer engineer has re ed for luty on engine 523 afte few rest William McDonald engineer the middle division was oft Monday A A re ported lay off owner and Kraemer Hellersbu rg ington his ing the tear carrying signal during the fog rs Chicago and husband's' did she vonnive and bet raj Death Takes Three Members of Honied Mrs Adella Ann Thurber died at the home Sa afternoon at 1:20 of monia She was bom in in 850 and ranta to the from Tippecanoe county in She Is survived hv her I Joseph Thurber and two child ivell ren by a former yianiage Surah tarri Richard Kyle' of Hoopston III The body has been forwarded to Chicago for burial during the riends the boys have ir singing are expected to TODAY has reported fbr duty co 523 after a few days' rest Gun innear coach cleaner in the yards is off duty on account of illness Walter isher yard brakeman has reported for duty after a few lay off ox brakeman was off duty MoSiday on account of illnees Qtto Hild engane carpenter on the third shift in the round house is off duty on account of an in jured hand Eugene Chamterlin laborer In the machine shop has returned to work after a illness i William rain pipefitter 'has returned from Chicago where lift visited the automobile show Marcellus Stingley engine car penter has been transferred from the back shop tp the third shift in! the round house James Neat pipefitter helper has returned from few visit in Louisville jWilliam Kee boilermaker has returned from a Sunday visit in Logansport red Shepherd boilermaker has returned from a' business trip to Blooniinngton' Miss Muurine Gahagan daugh terot the machinist will' leave Tuesday for Chicago where slje Ill 1 Who is YOUR BEST RIEN and she carried a 'The bridesmaid was her sister Miss Jjouise itz LOYAL SHOPMEN RECEIVE BONUS at the meeting and give diess Ms Mary to pneumonia hom*o Kunilav o'clock after a short illness She was born in North Carolina De cember 18 1835 and entered the home in 1917 coining from Rusli county She was the widow of Daniel Tagg who served in Com pany 30 Indiana infantry One daughter survives Mrs Mary A Bundy of Carthage The body has been sent to Carthage for inter ment Miller engineer lias re ported for duty on engine 50( after a short lay off Glenn Shaw locomotive fireman Aged Women Dies Near Brookston The funeral of Mrs Eliza Kious wife of Wesley Kious was conducted from the family I residence a mile west of Brooks ton at 2 o'clock Monday after noon Rev A A Dunlavy officiated TO INSTALLOICERS The benefit association of rail employes will have instalta officers Tuesday evening Oth at of Hall After insinuation there will be I smoker and refreshments AH ot itic er elected and appointed are earnestly reqrlested to be present as are all members Southern Pacific Rewards AU Workers and Officers Who Refused to Join Strike International News SAN RANCISCO Between 3500 and men mechanical officials who remained loyal to the Southern Pacific railroad dulling the shopmen's strike have receiv ed bonuses ranging from $50 up ward and aggregating $500000 when he Vp? Vi rcril Al 1 1 1 1 n1 ru Saturday by Edgar A IJiil sp 1 1 i i 1 1 a Iticr I Vial (iriCVIMU railway and uraigned in Justice Clay court on a charge of trespass 1: $5 and costs ami wa to tbe county jail for default of payment THE MADONNA DlPeCTED BY HARffY REVICR i Married Here Miss iori nee Morris of this and Edward Pearson of ildren lH(t it of the Catholic was which had In en 1 he tonight at of I a postponed owing to The The Ihitil death within twfrnty Tour hours occurred nt the Sold home nt 4:15 Sunday after noon when Mrs Anna Muy Phillips died of eereabraJ degepcration ile was born at New York city In 1841 and Caine to the pome in mm from Mnrion i onntv She was the widow of Junies Monrool Phillips who was a member of Company "second Mass infan ifth qtreet The witnessed bv the rIarshali 'Mor tis of airfield township son is a labor AT THE MONON SHOPS Sant Whisnand engineer off duty Monday on account illness 1 Golden Syrub Blue label Karo 2 Crystal Vanilla Red Label Karo 3 Square Green Label Karo With Pure Maple Sugar 4 Imitation Maple lavor Orange Label Karo Karo Taffy 1 cup Brown Sugar cup Karo Red Label 1 tablespoons Manolo 1 tabletpoof Lamo Juice teaspoon Lemon lavoring Cook ugAr Karo Mazola aod Juice until it forma a Lard bail in cold water Add flavoring Iur into pin oiled with Mazo la and pull when cold Sellin? Repreeantatioa Corn Products Sale Co St 6 Merchant Bank Building Indianapolis Ind YTD 1717 Tour grocer for recipe folder Ju LvDD or Cook Book or write to Cora Products Refining Co Dept A Argo Illinois and ac host of city and county thr state normal school which she attenaeu ana I riwt ftrrr Si nrk WPill high school Her wedding Attire included a inw uiy hat to match Is it 20 when a man needs a mother not a wife? Is it 30 when a man starts wandering a woman wondering? salute from will be made hiliun son 'Williamsport while giving try One daughter Mrs Elizabgt i ve of Indianapolis a free ride arn ll of Indianapolis survives ulian hud arranged to take up all The funeral Will be held at the the members of the post bosket home at 2:00 o'clock Tuesday ball Vam The accident happened afternoon las he mum taking the third man fpr a ride 3 DAYS COM TODAY MONDAY The Candy Box Revue Direction of Kendall ORPHEUM Today and All Week Shows 1:30 3:0 5:30 7:15 and Douglass who is a wellyoung man at present in a no'i D'iVton VJl I a i member of Jaifayette Council 456 niebis of Ciiliimbrwr He is a of John Douglass of tills city His brother Arthur Douglass was the best man at lie wedding home I1 us Domrlass were en 1922 i ni wedding breakfast husband at t( jtzgeiald home in Stoek i he lruial party anti memuns of the immediate families being present The wedding trip will in clude visits in Chicago and other cities and after March 1 the young couple will be' at home on the groom's farm Indian Opera and Novelty Numbers at Annual En tertainment by St John Church Singers The choir boys of St Episcopfil church will offer their annual entertainment tq provide funds for their camp fund at th? amily theatre Tuesday evening eb 3 3 An attractive program is being prepared including some of the most attractive numbers Vfrom' light operas The program will close vith a one act comic opera of ah Indian character The plot by Sappington is mproiiH and the 1 et 1 1 i I tl nine ioIps will be taken by' bcSys The choir boys enjoy an annual cummar 'ftiitinff a 1 routine and as an upprecia tiorr of clioir work during the year lit 1 1 support them in large numbers at the entertainment I'ulled to testily I'e left un state valuedHe left two children i bv ills first wife and Rehearsal Changed XiminTthat iSJS i 1 1 1 1 1 1 iir rt t1 iiiiii he was and he brought suit abouti y'eai ago to 1 confest the will Tlie suit was brought in Warren enmity but brought here on change of venue A Plane Body Being Brought Home The body of Lietit Rupert i Julian who was killed when his 'airplane crashed near Schofield bnrraeks Honolulu the first of the' week is en route home according mobile to word receivr'ri by relatives at Williamsport I The telegiaphie advice from I Sclioiield barracks is that the body 'started home Saturday It will ie litire about twjdvo days to reach 'Williamsport Complete funeral arrangements which will include a military burial and perhaps a Chanute field flyers in the meantime' of I sa a fell in vote Railroad News BRAKEMAN HURT Brakeman George Kraemer of the Motion had his shoulders painfully bruised Jn the Bedford yards riday freight engine backing south to hook bn to a cut collided with a ord auto ei iy itoociis and occupied by the his young daughter I whose home is at but who makes Bllom headquarters was rid step of the engine Vera Gordon Th Star of "HumOrasqu1 Postpone Meeting rrsi xtw rr 1: I 11 4 liJilli I association meeting which had i lora were been scheduled for Tuesday evc lnoon by Just! ning has 'been postponed! for one his urtict on week At that time County Agent cor union was spe COVINGTON eb A suit to Pour contest the will of Peter lem ing wealtny farmer or warren county will be tried In the oun tain iretiil court beginning the ommitted day of April Between fifty 16 dais in and one hundred witnesses will be 11 4 4z eztlla I'lrMimr It $100000' one a son be other a i f'noo TefP8S Charge ountain County Mulh ndoie was arrested 4 IlfttCIl Wk 1 I Xm out amt luwn aasJnf lltf the Imabaml lrn vvzjyj i Ww he wife vlelrf iu Hl I KB 1 SI i Ti a kJ ufasuuumufun rati wiiumtwwtitw iwiWTiiB im ve Ah HiMEr BS of (Refuse subftitUtePlNE TAR HONEY' II I lllllin I Insitt on SrSMM Li 111 1 llfjl "2 I I AtfJ I Iwmfe iv vjSjf oji'U Vuhii i i1 JJWlPIjL i i JCjSpCjIf I SI i Mi JiiiiSr lpp I I Ma Ngf Bl HI I Ba fl I 1 (IwbKib I I fl fl 111 I I fl fl fl fl fl bB i Bl I i WwWIIIIPW jhg i AW WBT 1 I IB 7 4 vwt Jarl9 il wcc IBflBKBRflflHBHEBaBEpflBBHEflBnBHKflEflflBBSRBflflHEz EwBIIIBIW Mill IBIIIIIIIIinlMMMMBmMi jr BAI fl I vB 1 1 i.

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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5479

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.