In Post Malone's song Rockstar, the lyrics say "call me up on a Uzi" What does this mean? (2024)


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26 Mar 2018

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In Post Malone's song Rockstar, the lyrics say "call me up on a Uzi" What does this mean? (2)

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26 Mar 2018

  • English (US)

Its a little hard to say because Post Malone is not good at using english correctly, but an "Uzi" is a Submachine gun commonly used in gang drive-by attacks. I think that "Call up an Uzi" in the song, means "Call somebody on the phone who owns an Uzi and tell them to attack you"


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In Post Malone's song Rockstar, the lyrics say "call me up on a Uzi" What does this mean? (4)

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26 Mar 2018

  • Korean

@CwallS ahhhhh~~~~~!! right! thank you so much


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In Post Malone's song Rockstar, the lyrics say "call me up on a Uzi" What does this mean? (12)

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In Post Malone's song Rockstar, the lyrics say "call me up on a Uzi" What does this mean? (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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